Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Top Ten Tuesday (#5): Fun Characters (Freebie!)

This awesome book blog meme - hosted by The Broke and the Bookish - is where book lovers list their favourites inspired by a new topic each week. This week it's a FREEBIE, which means everyone gets to choose their topic! I had some trouble with settling on a topic but I finally decided on Top Ten Fun Characters (not sure if this has been done before). Here they are, in no particular order as usual...

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)
Source: Goodreads
1) Grover (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)

A satyr who eats aluminum cans when he's nervous? This guy is one of my favourite characters from the whole series because he's just so sweet and funny (maybe often in an unintended way but who cares). Grover is awesome!

2) Percy (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)

Okay, another one from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series! The reason: Rick Riordan's action-packed, Greek mythology based series is one of the most fun adventures ever - and that's thanks to the witty characters and especially Percy's humorous narrative even in deadly and dangerous situations.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Harry Potter, #1)
Source: Goodreads
3) Fred and George (Harry Potter series)

Yes, I realize Fred and George are two separate people but they BELONG together and they basically host a two man show. And neither will hardly play a prank without the other in on it. Anyway, I don't think this choice needs explaining... The Weasley twins are cool and funny mischief makers, perhaps the best there are.

Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices, #1)
Source: Goodreads
4) Will (The Infernal Devices trilogy)

Will's antics and witticisms definitely made me grin. Who could forget dragon pox, or any of his stupid poems? Perhaps his remarks annoyed some of the other characters at times, but for me as a reader they were purely entertainment.

The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking, #1)
Source: Goodreads

5) Manchee (Chaos Walking trilogy)

A sidekick animal? Check. Loyal and sweet? Check. Knows how to "talk"? Check. Funny? ABSOLUTELY. Manchee is surely one of my favourite dogs from literature - he's that fantastic. His inner speech made me laugh with its simplicity and doggyness.

Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, #1)
Source: Goodreads
6) Foaly (Artemis Fowl series)

He's a paranoid centaur inventor with a big sense of his own importance. How could that not be a funny combination? I ought to re-read this series (I've read all but the last book) now that I've reminded myself how funny and smart the characters are...

7) Mulch (Artemis Fowl series)

Another of Eoin Colfer's hilarious characters - Mulch, the dwarf who tunnels by eating mud and ejecting it out of his behind. You better believe that leads to a lot of wacky incidents.

An Abundance of Katherines
Source: Goodreads

8) Hassan (An Abundance of Katherines)

Hassan is the main character Colin's overweight Muslim best friend who really knows how to lighten up a situation with his humour. He balances out Colin's seriousness well.

Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, #1)
Source: Goodreads

9) Evie (Paranormalcy trilogy)

I was starting to notice that all my favourite fun characters seemed to be male when I thought of Evie. I remember she has an amusing perspective and a love for cute dresses and heels - that definitely counts as fun!

Nightshade (Nightshade, #1)
Source: Goodreads

10) The wolf packs (Nightshade trilogy)

Again, these are quite a few people, but its actually the whole dynamic interaction, all the banter, that made Calla's and Ren's packs so fun for me. I really liked them all as an entity and loved the dialogue.

Those are my Top Ten for this week! Leave a comment or a link to your blog - I'd love to see your list! If you'd like to, you can also share your favourite fun(ny) characters in the comments. =)



  1. Ooooh great picks! Grover is hilarious with munching on soda cans and Fred and George are one of my faves, such jokers!

    Thanks for stopping by :D

  2. Great topic! Few characters can make you laugh more than Fred and George can. :) I always end up loving the character who show their intelligence through ridiculousness.

  3. Totally fun topic! I love it. I also love that you mentioned Manchee. I thought a "talking" dog would drive me crazy, but I loved him SO much. Patrick Ness did a bang-up job of making him realistic AND insightful. Great character.

  4. Oh, a Fred & George fan! I love those Weasley boys. Grover is a hoot, too. Nice list, great topic!

    My TTT
